gag-gle noun \ˈga-gəl\ : a group, aggregation, or cluster lacking organization, which is exactly how I feel about my family every day.

Tuesday, December 23, 2014

Artwork Dump

I'm cleaning our desk area and so finally got around to scanning some things in that have been sitting around for months.


Shareese's 2014 Reflections Entry titled "Looking through the store window".  
Theme: "The world would be a better place if..."
Reese's caption: "The world would be a better place if all the candy in the store was free!"

Samples of Shareese's writing at the beginning of 1st grade, 2014

A card (front above, inside below) Reese made for me.  It's been on my night stand forever, so I want to say she gave it to me for thanksgiving 2013, but frankly I can't remember exactly when she gave it to me.

Summer 2014. One of the world lessons we did was on Chichen Itza

Summer 2014.  One of the world lessons we did for table time was the Eiffel Tower.

Reese's picture of the family.  It's hard to see, but it's drawn on a heart. Early 2014

Reese's hand, kindergarten, 2013

One of the many cards she makes for me.  This one was in November 2014, hence the pumpkin pie.
Also, strawberries, cake, and us together

This was this past Oct or Nov.  Reese was practicing drawing from her drawing techniques book.  I'm impressed with the depth perspective.  Not usually in 1st grader drawings.


Liam hand print in preschool last year, 2013.

November 2014, Liam draws flags

Liam's family portrait, sometime in the past few months.

This is from yesterday. We were talking about peacocks.  Liam drew peacock food: berries, small animals, bugs, along with some other things.

Beginning of school year for Liam, Pre-K 2014 coloring

Beginning of school year for Liam, Pre-K 2014 numbers

Beginning of school year for Liam, Pre-K 2014 writing

Liam's 2014 turkey hand

Liam's Chichen Itza, which he drew just now because he saw me posting Shareese's and got jealous.

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