gag-gle noun \ˈga-gəl\ : a group, aggregation, or cluster lacking organization, which is exactly how I feel about my family every day.

Thursday, October 24, 2013

School Pictures!

I love school pictures.  I love having a yearly picture so that I can go back and watch my kids get older.  Remember how Reese's hair had been cut off before school started last year?  Crazy.  She looks so much older just one year later.

Liam's picture reminds me of one Will has of an early elementary age.  His hair was messed up and is collar was askew.  
I hadn't checked Liam's backpack when he came home from school the previous school day (he rarely has anything because he doesn't have homework) so I didn't know until I was dropping him off at school that it was picture day.  So we got the orange Triceratops with headphones Tshirt and nothing special with the hair.  Oh well.  He's still a major cutie.  And this smile is a good one for him as far as formal pictures go.

1 comment:

  1. His shirt matches the train and the butterflies and the poodle. I think he fits right in and looks great. And Reese could totally be a child model.
