gag-gle noun \ˈga-gəl\ : a group, aggregation, or cluster lacking organization, which is exactly how I feel about my family every day.

Thursday, January 24, 2013

Names for Sugar

One piece of advice that I have heard lately is that "if you are often reading labels, the you are not eating real food.  Real food doesn't need labels."

Okay, fine.  But I'm having a hard time giving up my dairy and breads.  Yogurt, cheese, bagels, the occasional frozen pizza (don't judge, I said occasional!)

And I do read labels sometimes.  Usually it's when I've already decided to buy something and I'm trying to figure out if one brand will be better for my body than another. 

But, did you know that sugar on food lables has over FIFTY NAMES?!  I think in some cases the companies really are trying to trick you.

Dextrose sounds Delish!

So, here is a list to help you identify the different forms of sugar in your food:

  1. Barley malt
  2. Beet sugar
  3. Brown sugar
  4. Buttered syrup
  5. Cane juice crystals
  6. Cane sugar
  7. Caramel
  8. Corn syrup
  9. Corn syrup solids
  10. Confectioner’s sugar
  11. Carob syrup
  12. Castor sugar
  13. Date sugar
  14. Demerara sugar
  15. Dextran
  16. Dextrose
  17. Diastatic malt
  18. Diatase
  19. Ethyl maltol
  20. Fructose
  21. Fruit juice
  22. Fruit juice concentrate
  23. Galactose
  24. Glucose
  25. Glucose solids
  26. Golden sugar
  27. Golden syrup
  28. Grape sugar
  29. High-fructose corn syrup
  30. Honey
  31. Icing sugar
  32. Invert sugar
  33. Lactose
  34. Maltodextrin
  35. Maltose
  36. Malt syrup
  37. Maple syrup
  38. Molasses
  39. Muscovado sugar
  40. Panocha
  41. Raw sugar
  42. Refiner’s syrup
  43. Rice syrup
  44. Sorbitol
  45. Sorghum syrup
  46. Sucrose
  47. Sugar
  48. Treacle
  49. Turbinado sugar
  50. Yellow sugar
What other names for sugar can you think of?

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