gag-gle noun \ˈga-gəl\ : a group, aggregation, or cluster lacking organization, which is exactly how I feel about my family every day.

Sunday, March 31, 2013


We had a blue theme going on for Easter this year. Liam and Will got matching paisley ties and Reese and I did the blue floral thing.  Fun stuff!  We didn't get through church without chocolate faces, though.  We haven't even gone to visit family yet and the sugary part of the holiday has already begun.


  1. Ellie has the exact same easter dress as Reese! We will bring it to Utah and they can be twins. Wish I could find Adam a blue tie to match. Where did you get yours?

    1. Liam's tie came from the "Tie One On" store that can be found in many malls around here. Reese will be excited to match!

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