gag-gle noun \ˈga-gəl\ : a group, aggregation, or cluster lacking organization, which is exactly how I feel about my family every day.

Monday, May 6, 2013

Foster Care

I Just thought that my friends and family would like to know that Will and I have begun the process of becoming liscensed foster parents.

 Today we went to a training class that suggested we let people know that we have to keep the kid's cases confidential before any child is placed in our home to avoid  some awkward conversations, especially in front of the kids.

In our capacity as foster parents, we've also been asked that, when a distinction is necessary, we put the label on ourselves ("I'm her foster mother" vs "She's my foster kid) or avoid the label all together ("She's in the foster program") so it's a situation, rather than a characteristic.

Because labels do matter and the kids do care.  And so do I. Sometimes I do wonder what people will think of me, a mother of two small children, still in her childbearing years, choosing to pick up someone else's slack rather than keep trying to add to my gaggle DIY style.

I am confident that this is the right choice for our family.


  1. I think that's awesome! My husband's cousin and his wife are doing this as well and these children need to know that families can be functioning and good! You may be the only positive image of a good family that they know for a while and every kid needs that. You will do great! Good job!

  2. How exciting! My family provided foster care for babies and occasional teens when I was growing up. It was an amazing experience. Give us some more details! What age group are you guys planning on? Good luck! Can't wait to hear how this goes. (I also have a friend who has taken in dozens of children and adopted nine or ten. And she is our age... if you want connections, let me know and I'll get you her information. She is amazing and inspiring.)

    1. Thanks for the encouragement Kalie! We have applied for the 5 and under range. We don't yet feel comfortable accepting kids much older than Reese. speaking of connections, I was wondering if you would like me to watch Tessa some weekend when you're working on your house. Liz gave me your number and I promptly lost it.
