gag-gle noun \ˈga-gəl\ : a group, aggregation, or cluster lacking organization, which is exactly how I feel about my family every day.

Sunday, November 25, 2012

The Darndest Things...

Liam: Playing and babbling
Reese: No, Liam, you don't want a baby.  Babies are yucky!  Yucky babies!
Me: What?  Babies are yucky?!
Reese: Yeah
Me:  Who told you babies are yucky?
Reese: No one
Me: Then why do you think they are yucky?
Reese: They just are!
Will: What about babies are yucky?
Reese: Well, you just don't eat them.
Me: Oh, you mean babies are yucky to eat?
Reese: Yeah.
Me: Oh.
Will: You're right, Reese.  We shouldn't eat babies
Reese: Yeeeeeeaaah! (Tone indicating a smug "of course, you idiots!")

Well thanks.  Glad we had this conversation.

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