gag-gle noun \ˈga-gəl\ : a group, aggregation, or cluster lacking organization, which is exactly how I feel about my family every day.

Monday, August 28, 2017

Reese's Birthday

Shareese turned 9 today!  Here are some things about her:

Favorite colors are orange and black . favorite food is ramen . Book worm . likes soccer . prefers to do things herself rather than wait for help . walks or rides bike to school . likes cats . eats like a bird . silly and sarcastic . likes to build forts in the living room . struggles to keep her room organized (says she likes the piles of stuff like books) . good at practicing her piano . working on memorizing times tables and reminds me to practice them with her . thinks about her future as a grown-up and is already making plans . likes cute stuffed animals . favorite subjects in school are science, art, and math . likes to listen to Imagine Dragons . likes to play Minecraft and watch "Dragons Race to the Edge" on Netflix . hates brushing her teeth . likes cute shoes . does chores without being asked so she can have screen time . artist .

Today she got a ride to school (so she didn't have to carry the 30 juice boxes she brought with her birthday treat all the way!), got to go to a friend's house right after school, then came home, opened presents, and got to pick where we ate for dinner (Golden Corral), came home and read Harry Potter with Mama and Liam before tucking into bed to do some more reading before lights out.  I realized we forgot to measure her (she grew almost 2 1/2 inches this year) and take a picture, so she got out of bed to do those things (in her pajamas)!  

Love you, Baby Girl!  Happy birthday!

The Friday after Reese's birthday we had the Heath cousins and family come over to have ice cream cake with us.  When Reese heard I was doing an ice cream cake for Liam's birthday, she pictured a cake with ice cream on top.  When she saw that Liam's cake was actually a "cake" made out of ice cream, she asked for what she had pictured in her head for her birthday.  We did the ice cream cake, but this time, it was just topped with ice cream sundae stuff.

Monday, August 21, 2017

First Day of School

Today was the first day of school for the kids.  Reese is starting 4th grade and Liam is in 2nd!

We rode walked/biked/scootered to school with friends

Liam had a hard time and was very nervous.  He got a little teary when he couldn't find his class' line to get into the school.  I reminded him that I was there and even if he missed the line, I could take him inside.

The first day of school also happened to be the day of the "Great American Solar Eclipse".  It is an eclipse that will have totality viewable from one American coast to the other.  Where we are at was a 90% eclipse.  It was awesome, but I still feel bad that we didn't make the drive up to Idaho to see totality.

Eclipse glasses- check!  These sold out everywhere earlier last week.

Making crescent eclipse shadows!