Reese makes a play-doh sneaky snake drinking root beer |
I feel like this might be universal knowledge, but in the event that you don't know, dried up play clay can be fixed. You don't need to throw it out and spend money on new stuff (unless you need more colors)
If your play dough is hard, don't throw it away! It's easy to turn it back into malleable fun.
First, determine if it's just stiff or hard as a rock.
If you can't move it at all (rock hard), just put some water with it in the container and let it sit over night. Not a lot of water is needed to soften it enough to bring it back to life.
When you go to check it, it will be nice and soft. Sometimes it will even be too gooey. If this happens, keep kneading it until it's not so sticky, or add some more stiff clay to balance it out, or let it sit out for a couple hours to dry up.
If your clay isn't hard as rock but still stiff, hold it in your hand and run tap water over it.
Knead the dough (I do this with both hands over the sink to catch the drips- it will be gooey) until all the water is worked in. If the dough is still stiffer than you like, keep adding water and working it in until the dough is just right.
Then play!
If you go overboard and make it too slimy, just let it sit out to dry a while and then knead it again. I swear you can keep this stuff forever.